Cultural sights in the Harz region - Finkenherd 5

Cultural sightseeing in the Harz region

Whether fairytale castles, forts and churches, museums or the building culture in the form of half- timbered houses, villas and "lost places" - the Harz region has varied cultural sights to offer!

Cultural highlights in Quedlinburg

Right next to Finkenherd 5, Lyonel Feininger Gallery welcomes guests with a cultural interest. The Cultural Museum for Classical Modernism of international importance has the largest collection of prints by the artist Lyonel Feininger and invites childen for interactive exhibitions. At the Klopstockhaus Literature Museum below the castle hill of Quedlinburg, guests will learn more about the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, his life's work and its impacts. In addition, the museum offers an exhibition about Dorothea Christiane Erxleben, the first woman in Germany holding a doctorate in medicine. Another exhibition presents the life and work of Christian Friedrich GutsMuths, the founder of sports lessons at school.

On the opposite castle hill, you can find the castle with the castle church St. Servatii and the castle museum of Quedlinburg. Those who climb the steps are rewarded with a fabulous panoramic view over the old town of Quedlinburg and the Harz mountains. The Schlossberg and the old town of Quedlinburg belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1994, with more than 2,000 half-timbered houses with architectural styles from eight different eras. During a city tour through the narrow streets, the half-timbered structure can be experienced. A visit to the half-timbered museum at “Ständerbau” is highly recommended for a deeper knowledge of this architectural style.

A wonderful view of the panorama of Quedlinburg is offered to all visitors who climb the long stairs to the Münzenberg. The starting point of the “Harzer Klosterwanderweg” (Harz monastery trail) starts at the monastery church of St. Mary, a former monastery for the Benedictine women. In the crypt there is a museum about the history of the monastery and the Münzenberg. In addition to cultural facilities, numerous recurring events and events in Quedlinburg inspire guests every year.

Wernigerode and the journey through the history of Harz region

High above the city, the castle of Wernigerode already attracts attention from a distance. The building looks like a fairy tale castle and houses a museum of art and cultural history of the 19th century. Here, among other things, residential areas of the aristocracy as well as the history of the Stolberg-Wernigerode family are presented. Princess Juliana von Stolberg spent her childhood in Wernigerode and Stolberg and is a direct ancestor of the Dutch royal family. An insider tip is a hike to the Agnesberg, the stamp number 31 of the Harzer Wandernadel (Harz hiking needle). From here you can enjoy a beautiful view of the castle and the panorama of Wernigerode.

In the Harzmuseum, the history of the Harz region can be experienced: from geological development, flora and fauna, to the Harz craftmanship and the effects of industrialization on the region, to touristic development. Wernigerode is also the most popular starting point of the Brockenbahn, a historic steam-powered narrow-gauge railway, which even crosses a road junction in the city centre of Wernigerode. The opening of the “Gläserne Werkstatt” transparent workshop of the Harz narrow-gauge railways is planned for 2021 - a real insider tip for interested technicians and railway fans.

Halberstadt and the Museum Island

In Halberstadt, the Cathedral of St. Stephen and St. Sixtus with their cathedral treasure represent a very special cultural highlight of the region. Between the 13th and 15th century it was built in the style of the French Gothic period. Catholic and Protestant church representatives worked together here until 1810.

Guests can experience medieval craftmanship in the treasure chamber and cloister of the cathedral. Among other things, the oldest knitted carpets from the 12th century, garments of the clergy mad from gold and silk, goldsmiths, vessels and relics are presented in this exhibition. Around the cathedral square, the "Museum Island" of Halberstadt, the Gleimhaus (Literature Museum), the Heineanum (Bird History Museum) and the Municipal Museum as well as the Liebfrauenkirche (Church “To Our dear Ladies”) invite you to a visit.

In the old town, the bourgeois domestic culture of the turn of the century and the life of the Jewish community can be experienced in the Berend Lehmann Museum. The John Cage organ project with the slowest, more than 639 years long piece of music in the world "As slow as possible" (ASLSP) sounds as a signal against the speed of modern times. As the only city in the Harz, Halberstadt has a tram network that can even be experienced with a historic tram as part of a city tour. As an insider tip we recommend the “Romantischer Abendspaziergang” (Romantic Evening Walk), a culinary guided tour with sparkling wine reception, delicious products from the region and a final three-course menu.